Monday, October 15, 2007

music and emotion

hey guys just listening to some music to increase my "happy" thoughts, particulary by listneing to some summer grooves and that made me wonder about any recent information and research that may have occured between the link between music and emotion.

Ok one of the first interesting things i found was the fact that Australia is one of the countries at the forefront of this topic. Research at University of New South Wales has been focused on the inernal locus versus the external locus and the Gap across emotion loci (GAEL) and the importance of familiarity. The study suggests that the way music makes the listener feel is more important in determining enjoyment than noticing the emotion the music is trying to convey.

Other studies reveal that the primary auditory zone may provide an early affective quality, left cognitive areas may contribute to pleasant feelings when melodic sequences follow expected rules while unpleasant emotions (Prodromidès vs. Bach and Mahler) involved the activation of the right frontopolar and paralimbic areas in addition to suggesting that the internal structure of the music played a primary role in the induction of the emotions in comparison to extramusical factors. Mode, harmonic complexity, and rhythmic articulation best differentiated between negative and positive valence, whereas tempo, accentuation, and rhythmic articulation best discriminated high arousal from low arousal. Tempo, accentuation, and rhythmic articulation were the features that most strongly correlated with physiological measures. Music that induced faster breathing and higher minute ventilation, skin conductance, and heart rate was fast, accentuated, and staccato.

The topic of emotion and music is also relevant for such areas within the community as road rage and anger managment in general.

While on the topic of music it is interesting to note the influence of music particularly the negative influence including violence, promiscuity, swearing and drugs. Not only is it the lyrics but more often than not it is also the film clip promoting these deviant acts. Certain genres of music, including metal and rap have been particualrly targeted for promoting the behaviour within the general public. However there is a trend these days for pop music targeted for young to teenage girls to involve swear words and very sexual dancing.

Although censorship goes so far and there have been some debates to the actual influence of idols and music lyrics and videos there still seems to be a common theme that needs some looking at, especially in regards to what may be happening in the future.

therefore i would be interested for people's comments on the future of society with regard to the influence of music, the influence at the moment and the emotional aspects of music and why you feel you connect more to one piece than another or that a piece brings back so many memories, all input much appreciated :)


Jules said...

HI, I was interested in what you have written about music and emotion, because my students are always asking me if they can play music in the background while they work. If there has been found, a link between positive emotion and the listening to music, can this be used in the classroom to improve students emotions and therefore their esteem levels and therefore an increse in perceived ability? Then we need to ask what genres incresed positive emotions?

James Neill said...

With regard to music, emotion, and work, I had a previous boss who banned "word music" at work i.e., any music with words bec. he believed it interfered with thinking, but instrumental music was allowed. This was supposedly based on some psych. studies he'd read, but I'm familiar with the sources.

I tend to work these days more and more without music - I used to have it on a lot more.

Unknown said...

Hey!I'm doing a research paper on music as a coping tool and came across a tremendous amount of data to collaborate CERTAIN TYPES of musicwith increased IQ scores(
also there are certain types of music which induce calmer moods in the listeners(
and as for which types of music were found to be soothing;selections of Celtic, Native American as well as various music containing loud drums or flute were extremely soothing.(another interesting site i've found iz
2006/pr-brainwave-053106.html it has some interesting findings).